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Nov 12, 2020

How To Start Online Business

 How To Start Online Business

How To Start An Online Business


The spread of the coronavirus has completed the primary source of income for many people. The world economy has been hit hard. Naturally, its effect reaches the last man. Many people's incomes have entirely stopped, and they have to find new ways of earning income. It is said that if nature closes a road, it opens many avenues in front of it. We must be ready to try those ways. Start Online Business is one of the way.

Time is indeed tricky. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. But behind this black cloud, too, the golden edge of hope is visible. If nature has made one way of income closed or difficult for you, then many different methods have been opened against it. 

Even before the coronavirus spread, the world was moving at a slow but steady pace towards making almost all types of transactions online possible. Those who may have realized the importance of being online during that time may have been most successful in keeping up to date even during lockdowns.

It's not too late yet. If you hold courage and mobile in your hand and the passion for surviving and moving forward in mind, online can open up many avenues for income. Let's talk about how different online techniques can help you, from the smallest to the size of a growing business.

Just remember that there is no such thing as instant success. The roads shown here may seem confusing at first. It can also be slow. But the more you understand the intricacies of the barrage, the more it will grow, the more the confidence will increase, and the more income and happiness!

Start an Online Business With Social Media

Suppose that due to the lockdown's impact, you need to start a new source of income from scratch. You may not be at this first level, and you need to sustain your well-established business. So you can skip this part and go to the next stage.

Also, during the lockdown and subsequent unlock times, many people have started trying new ways of earning income by losing their jobs or basic jobs. If you are one of them, let's talk about you first.

Many couples have started tiffin service from their home without giving up. Some people have started the delivery of vegetables. Many people have started home-made snacks or home delivery, and many are involved in the business of selling a wide range of small and large items from door to door. To spread your business online, all you need is mobile at this stage.

No matter what kind of business you have, your mobile can be the most effective weapon in retaining your existing customers and reaching new customers. Of course, some care needs to be taken in its use.

Services like WhatsApp and Facebook are currently the most used for small scale promotion of your business. Speaking of WhatsApp, there is a real risk that your WhatsApp number will be blocked as you send unsolicited messages to more and more people in a bid to spread your business.

Please pay close attention to your existing and potential customers to save your number on their mobile. Then it will be much easier for you to reach them. Creating a WhatsApp group for business promotion and adding it without asking people is also likely to block the WhatsApp number. 

Instead, after saving your number in more and more people's mobiles, you can create a broadcast list so that the message can be quickly delivered to the customers. Then when you upload a message using WhatsApp's status service, you will be able to reach all the people who have saved your mobile number at once. 

There will also be a phase of enlisting the help of an experienced and skilled graphic designer to make your message attractive. Still, before that, you will create beautiful designs yourself using various online and free services.

There are many examples of people just expanding their business from WhatsApp. In this way, by adopting the facility of UPI or mobile wallet for accepting promotions and online payments, you will be able to effectively organize the cycle of taking orders online, delivering, and receiving payments.

How To Start An Online Business

Free Online Promotions.

As your business grows from just WhatsApp, the need to reach more and more people will increase. There are many different ways to do this. The first way is to create a business page in addition to your profile on Facebook. By logging into your own personal Facebook profile, you can create your business page by going to Settings.

You can create a small business website by providing general details in Google's 'My Business' service. Both of these do not require technical knowledge. You can then post images, offers, and other promotional messages related to your business both ways. 

The advantage of listing in Google's My Business service is that people in your area can see your business's details anytime they search the internet for anything related to your business.

Instead of directly announcing the business to deploy any business online, knowing the needs and curiosity of the people related to your company, and posting about it, you will be able to cross the first stage of engagement with the customers successfully conversion will start coming. As you run a morning breakfast service, you can give some tips on making an instant breakfast.

In short, in your business's early stages, there are three main things to consider for promoting online free. Save your WhatsApp number in your customers' mobiles, get people to follow your Facebook page, take advantage of Google's various accessible services, and then get people's email addresses. 

You can also take advantage of many email marketing services that offer to send up to two thousand emails per month for free. So far we have talked only about the use of your mobile and its number. As the business grows, you will move towards developing a smaller website or your e-commerce platform.

Put Your Product In Marketplace

The second phase of the business is to spread it online. The immense fun of online business at this stage is that you can continue to get orders even when you are sound asleep at noon!

After spreading the business smoothly using mobiles and taking it to a more automatic mode, you have to pay attention. You have two-three ways; India's commerce marketplace is growing at a tremendous pace like the rest of the world. 

Online shopping has boomed even more since the spread of the Corona. If the number of customers coming to your actual shop decreases during this time, you can reach a much larger number of customers at once by placing your product on the online Marketplace.

Of course, there are many knots in this, and there is no chance of success overnight, but there is a definite focus on expanding your business. At this stage, you will have two options in front of you. 

Putting your products in the Marketplace and leaving all the worries of order-delivery and payment to the market or setting up your e-store and move in that direction. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm, and now Reliance Jio is expanding in India. Not all of these sites sell items themselves. They act as a marketplace. This means that different merchants and manufacturers can join such websites as sellers and sell their products. Marketplace takes on a lot of responsibilities on their behalf, earning commissions in return.

The process of joining every well-known Marketplace is straightforward. If you visit an online shopping site and check its menu, you will see an option like 'Start a Selling Account.' Since the seller lifeline is vital for every online Marketplace, this process makes it as easy as possible for a new seller to join. 

At first glance, it is effortless to sell our product on the market. We can easily open a seller account by providing the necessary details of our business, such as business proof, PAN number, GST number, bank account, etc.

Most marketplaces also use third party agents or affiliates for this purpose. Such agents often arrange all the arrangements to sell our product on the market without charging us. They get their commission from the market. You can find any such agent and take their help or even go ahead of yourself.

All this is easy, but it isn't easy to set up a business in the Marketplace. First, you have to do a lot of exercises to determine the cost price of the product. In addition to the original cost of making the product, the commission, shipping, i.e., delivery, packaging, storage, and market cost of the Marketplace have to be calculated.

Then make a simple list of your products and create an image for each of them. After this, you will be able to decide at what price you can sell the product online.

Of course, putting the product on the Marketplace is not a guarantee of success. Just as there are millions of online customers in the market, there are also millions of competing products and sellers, most of whom are searching for items on online shopping sites, not brands or sellers. 

This is why it is most important and most challenging to be noticed by the customer. The Marketplace offers the opportunity to advertise our product in a variety of ways. But you have to pay a separate charge.

Most marketplaces charge a fixed fee from the seller and charge a percentage or flat charge on the product's sale value. There is also a penalty for not complying with their terms. Costs may be much higher than he said. 

Therefore, before listing your product by opening a seller account on any marketplace, it is imperative to carefully read its terms and conditions.

Two things can be a headache for a seller when selling in the Marketplace - discounts and returns, the same items those who give discounts in online stores are mostly sold. Besides, a person who buys online can return the item even if there is nothing wrong with it. 

The Marketplace intends to reduce the return rate, but all the returned item's burden falls on the seller. You also have to calculate all these things.

Develope An E-Store Website

Given the Marketplace competition, low visibility, and intense pressure on prices, many people choose to set up their leading online store to spread their business online.

Setting up an e-commerce store at one time was a considerable investment. We can't get rid of it without the help of technical experts. But that is no longer the case.

You can set up your e-store without any coding or any technical knowledge if you have a very general understanding of websites, i.e., you can follow the instructions given mostly in English on the site. 

Many genuine payment gateway companies now offer the convenience of creating an online store with a nominal annual charge. We can make our e-store by uploading necessary business documents like Marketplace on the site of such a service. This includes payment gateway facilities.

After doing so, we have to focus on the online promotion of the e-store and various product pages. If the quality of the product is unique, the price is competitive. As mentioned earlier, the flow of new orders to your business can continue even when you are sleeping soundly in the afternoon!


In the journey of Online Busines, I have given you the complete details about it through this article. I can tell you that if you follow this process, then no one will stop you from success in the Online Business world. You don’t just have to do hard work you need smart work also and bring some new and unique idea in front of people.

FREE DOWNLOAD EBook - ' The Art of Selling Online '

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Image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

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