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Dec 19, 2020

How To Make Your Thoughts Disappear

How to Make Your Thoughts Disappear

How To Make Your Thoughts Disappear


The garbage of WhatsApp messages accumulates daily. Is this a mobile phone or a trash can? But now, seven days and the message is automatically disappear such a feature has come. And thus, any upheaval grows old and dies in seven days.

And now an excellent Disappearing Message Features introduced by Whatsapp. We have no worries. Someone wrote insults to someone, somewhere gave false praise, everything disappeared!

Everything disappears. Not just text, but all the Message, Audio, video now erased in a week. The difference is that the fodder that fills our brains is not erased in seven days, months, or years. Why didn't the GOD install such a feature in our lives?

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As we age, we forget. The words of the heart come to the lips, and the head feels dizzy. With the advent of mobile phones, even teenagers nowadays have forget many thing. What date today? Watch on mobile. Name of Uncle's son from London? Watch on mobile. Wife's birthday? Mobile reminds you.

Even my home address also reminds me of my mobile. Is this a mobile phone or the gene of Aladdin's magic lamp? But why not forget that there is a trivial matter with someone somewhere? Why does the prejudice in mind continue to burn until the Funeral of the body?

Objection, resentment, anger, disagreement, or old cause of discord - why not Disappear? What to do with the garbage that stays in mind for seven days till seven births? First of all, someone should understand that this waste cannot be recycled and can't be reused if not reduced. It is advisable to burn it in a way that does not cause pollution, but some do not believe it is waste.

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First, accept that if someone has told you untold things in the past, it is rubbish and should be cleaned up. But it keeps accumulating, and the stench becomes brighter.

Once you accept that there is a problem, and then it can be solved proactively. If someone comes and solves your question, it does not happen. We don't like it when someone does that.

So that man is also good, surely there will be some compulsion? Any tension? What if you were in its place? If you think about it, your anger will disappear. And even if someone did something wrong to you, your anger will disappear in seven seconds, not seven days, if you do good to them.

And if you don't want to do that, don't go where your disagreement happened. The place is not even on your map. Turn off the brain's GPS. Don't look, don't burn. And yes, make it a habit to apologize and forgive. These aren't easy, but forgive and move on. Forget about the person you're upset with and leave.


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A clean mind is just as important as a healthy mind. There should be a personal clean conscience mission like the Swachh Bharat mission. Clear all the trash of the past in seven days. In the future, we will have to find a solution until GOD implants a feature like WhatsApp in our minds, so let's look at such solutions.

How To Make Your Thoughts Disappear

The Solution to make your Thoughts Disappear 

1. Forgiving Yourself and Not Feeling Guilty

Forgiving another person or yourself can help you move forward from the past and free yourself from negative feelings and unwanted thoughts. Guilt is an emotion that, when uncontrolled, can make you feel trapped and powerless. When you feel guilty, practice meditating and find ways to overcome guilty feelings. If unwanted thoughts do not last for long, then your mental health will also improve.

2. Meditate

Meditation has been used for thousands of years to empty the mind and free it from unwanted thoughts. It can also be done just by sitting comfortably. Meditating daily for ten minutes may be enough to free the mind from uncontrolled thinking. This also improves mental health.

3. Exercise to remove evil thoughts

Exercise focuses the body on its physical needs and diverts your attention from your mind. Exercise releases endorphin and reduces cortisol. Endorphins often create a more positive and happier mood.

4. Practice EFT

The Emotional Freedom Technique is something that can be learned within a few minutes. This technique can help you feel better immediately.


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5. Do something mentally challenging Task

Completing a crossword or Sudoku puzzle or solving a problem, or following complicated instructions to complete a project. Challenge yourself mentally. The mental focus in such activities will make you so tired that you will not have time or energy to focus on such unwanted thoughts.

6. Smile and Laugh

Research shows that you feel better while smiling and laughing. When you smile, your brain controls the movements of your facial muscles. Then the brain releases hormones and chemicals, which make you feel good. Your improved feelings will make your way of thinking easier.

7. Stop making people happy

Many people are crazy about others' approval for their work, but they often find themselves trapped in these behaviours. It seems that you are living your life for others. So go beyond these things and start focusing on yourself.f

8. Eliminate the toxic relationship from your life

Due to an unhealthy relationship, negative thoughts come to your mind, and you stay stress. So fill your life with positive associations. This will fill your mind with good ideas and memories.

9. Remove negative thinking from the brain and work for your interest

It is best to keep yourself busy in your hobby to protect yourself from unwanted thoughts. For example, if you like singing or painting, do it in your free time. This will relax your mind. Unwanted thoughts will be removed from your mind, and you will be able to focus on your work.

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10. Love yourself

Respect yourself and your choice. Keep yourself at the top. Pamper yourself. Take time for yourself. This is a beautiful way to live a happy life.

These were some of our special measures, which will easily remove the unwanted thoughts filled in your mind and keep you busy. Develop your thinking pattern to make your thoughts disappear automatically and live in its original form.





Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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